Night Tour with torches

In summer, guided tours with torches are organised to show you the upper town of Wiltz in a completely different light.
Next dates:
23.07 22h00
30.07 22h00
06.08 21h00
13.08 21h00
20.08 21h00
Ticket: 5€ / Person
Language: French, German and/or English (depending on the configuration of the group)
Guided Tour - The secret of drinking water in Wiltz
A guided tour on the steps of the drinking water supply of the Wiltz franchise, the bad quality of water, the resulting epidemics and the limited means the four doctors had to support the population.
Next dates:
01.06 10h00
30.06 10h00
Ticket: 5€ / Person
Starting Point: Courtyard of Wiltz Castle
Hike & Like Guided Walking Tours

During each discovery walk, a specific theme or products from the Wiltz region will be presented to you while walking.
Next dates:
08.06 Guided Photography Walk
15.06 Guided Walk "Distilling nature"
Distance: 4-6 km
Start time: 14:00
Language: French, German and/or English (depending on the configuration of the group)
The price varies according to the theme. Registration required +352 95 99 39 250 or email hidden; JavaScript is required
Beer & Cheese Tasting After Work

When it comes to pairing drinks and food, wine still too often seems to be the only guest at the table. However, the wide range of aromas, flavors and textures offered by the great diversity of beer styles often results in magnificent pairings. Come and check by yourself!
- 31.05. - 18:00
- 19.07. - 18:00
- 26.07. - 18:00
- 02.08. - 18:00
- 09.08. - 18:00
- 16.08. - 18:00